During the lockdowns, we raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for mikeroweWORKS by selling masks that read, “Safety Third!” As I explained at the time, “Safety Third” is not an invitation to take unnecessary risk; it’s just a reminder that in the real world, safety is never really first, and any attempt to make it so will unleash a flurry of unintended consequences. The lockdowns were a perfect time to see what happens to a society that tried to elevate safety above everything else, and those cloth masks were the perfect way to remind people that being “in compliance” is not the same as being “out of danger.” Even after it was determined that cloth masks were a completely and totally ineffective way to slow the spread of Covid, those wearing them were still allowed to enter places where masks were required. Safety Third, indeed…
Thankfully, masks are no longer mandated, and hopefully, they never will be again. But the enduring wisdom of embracing a Safety Third mentality is still worth spreading, and the coffers at MRW are in constant need of replenishment. And so, I’m delighted to announce a new line of mikeroweWORKS Safety Third shop towels, manufactured in South Carolina by my friends at BFIT540.
I’ll spare you the whole sales pitch, but one of the big complaints about cotton shop towels is that they’re too absorbent. If you’re working in the automotive world, or woodworking, or janitorial, or electronics manufacturing, you’re better off with something less absorbent and faster drying than cotton. These shop towels are 100% polyester, extremely stain resistant, and less inclined to fade, stretch, or shrink. They’re also super durable, lint-free, virtually impossible to misplace, and fitted with a magnet in the corner for an easy grab. Best of all, they’re made entirely in the USA by a little company who buys all their materials from local fabric mills, set up an apprentice program during the lockdowns, and helped me raise nearly $400,000 for our work ethic scholarship program last year. If you need some shop towels, (and even if you don’t,) please get them here! https://www.bfit540.com/pages/mike-rowe-works-foundation
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