Last month, in the frenzy of a book tour, I paused for a two-hour conversation with a guy who looks like the long lost brother of Howard Stern and Malcolm Gladwell. His name is James Altucher, and no – I can’t pronounce his last name either. He’s a hell of an interviewer though, who shares my thoughts on college. Here’s a clip, to whet your whistle. It sums up my thoughts on higher education fairly succinctly.
PS Giving Tuesday was a rousing success for mikeroweWORKS. Thanks to your generosity, we raised over $75,000. I can’t tell you how much exactly, because I don’t yet know how much Facebook will match, but I’ll get back to you when I do. Thanks again, sincerely.
PPS Speaking of my book, and at the risk of shameless pluggery, I should also thank the collective you for keeping The Way I Heard It on the NYT Bestseller List for seven weeks in a row. Signed copies, if your collect illegible signatures, can be found at mikerowe.com/book. (Along with unsigned.) Ho, ho, ho!