I’d like to publicly thank the Independent Women’s Forum for selecting me as this year’s “Distinguished Gentleman,” and apologize for wearing jeans to what turned out to be a very fancy event. The last ten days have been packed with absolute chaos, including three episodes of Returning the Favor, an event for mikeroweWORKS, several speeches, and approximately fifteen separate media appearances wherein my mother and I shamelessly flogged her best-selling book, About My Mother. (Get your copy at aboutmymotherbook.com.) In other words, I’ve been living out of a bag, and sadly, had no room for matching pants.
As for the event itself, let me say that the Independent Women’s Forum is a truly terrific assemblage of females doing important work. I was absolutely delighted to be in their company, and share a few thoughts on the importance of closing America’s skills gap. I was also humbled to share the stage with this year’s Woman of Valor, Nikki Haley. Ambassador Haley is very impressive, and in my opinion, more than qualified to serve our country in whatever capacity she chooses. I wish her every success in the future.
Sorry I couldn’t linger longer on the dance floor, but duty called. Maybe next year. Till then, I’ll try my best to remain a gentleman, distinguished or otherwise…