Mike Rowe is known for getting dirty. The host of “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” (and formerly of “Dirty Jobs”) is getting behind the camera to engage middle and high school students and show them opportunities in the skilled trades in Michigan.
If you wonder “why the skilled trades, and why Mike Rowe?” here’s a little background for you. The blunt-speaking TV host is also the founder of the mikeroweWORKS foundation, which encourages skilled trades across the nation. Michigan currently has a gap of 8,300 unfilled skilled trades jobs, and more are on the horizon as the people currently in those jobs begin to retire.
Skilled trade jobs represent about one-third of Michigan’s employment base.
In partnership with Mike Rowe, six videos will be produced (some already have been) to engage middle and high school students, showing them opportunities within the following industries:
Tool & Die
Information Technology
Advanced Manufacturing
There is local talent as well getting in on the act. Tom Daldin and Under The Radar Michigan will produce five videos aimed toward K-5 students. They will be focused on:
Food, agriculture and natural resources
Design and art
Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and information technology
It’s all possible thanks to a partnership between the hosts and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan’s Talent Investment Agency.
Ready the complete article at DailyDetroit.com